Project: Mobile App

Involvement: UI/UX Design, Product Design/Management

Cookbuddy is not recipe maker, and also not an exhibitor of recipes, Cookbuddy contains essential food needs in daily life which are needed for one to live in these modern times and also make them self-sufficient with basic food habits, know about cooking, explore cooking. Moreover, a buddy which will never shout at you, but will be a buddy right at next door to help you. The App is targeted for those who love to cook but don't know how to cook, where they can experiment and express themselves. Basically focusing on youth. Cookbuddy primarily contains 55 dishes in Kerala style and there will be an addition of dishes as per need.

Product Features
Dishes are separated into breakfast, lunch and dinner order. Selections will change up to the timings. Dishes include vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
Favourites - You can make the dishes as favourites, so in future, you can easily check out for favourite dishes.
Shopping list - An excellent feature where you can select raw materials in dishes home screen for cooking, later it will be connected directly with supermarkets, retail shops and local shopkeepers.
My Account- your profile is safe with us. Privacy of data is assured.